Sale Items and Special Buys
Welcome to the opportunity for some special buys! These shoes are great for the first-time dance shoe buyer who has yet to experience the ecstasy of Elegance Dance Shoes.
Delight in Dance and Elegance shoes want to emphasize that the items in the Sales and Special Buys collection do not meet our current quality control standards, and are not reflective of the high level of quality of Elegance shoes that are manufactured in our company-owned factory.
Elegance shoes are now being manufactured in our company-owned factory; we did this because when contracted factories manufactured for us we were not always able to maintain our high quality control standards.
Note that all shoes not in the Sales and Special Buys collection have been manufactured in our company-owned factory and as such we are able to guarantee the quality of those shoes; we are not able to offer the same guarantee the quality for shoes in the Sales and Special Buys collection.
What items does Delight in Dance carry in the Sales and Special Buys collection?
New Shoes not manufactured in our company-owned factory that may not meet our current standards of quality control, but nonetheless are of excellent quality. For example, on some shoes the soles would come unglued after use - this is an EASY fix!! Take the shoes to the shoemaker and for about $10 have the soles reglued, and voila, like new again!
Returned Shoes that are not able to be sold as new (they saw some use) but nonetheless have a tremendous amount of life in them.
- Discontinued Shoes that may or may not meet our current standards of quality control, but which are still terrific dance shoes for a fabulous price.